November 26, 2008

Assorted Inspiration

Sometimes a subject just jumps out at you, almost begging to be photographed; other times you must have your minds eye open, ready and willing to see what may normally go unnoticed.


  1. Some good ideas... And great shots again! :-D

  2. Thanks, glad you enjoyed these few images. Do you photograph; if so maybe you could share a few? I love to see what others are doing. Just curious, do I know who ABC is? Thanks for watching.

  3. Like the contrast of the shopping cart. It seems to be "right on track."

  4. Love your perspective on things. great back lighting in the tree and the contrast of the wet pavement to the shopping cart. great stuff. Love it.

  5. Thanks Joe, glad you like them, it means a lot. I don't know if you ever seen the tree "Light of Youth" printed, but it really comes to life on paper. Thanks again. What did you think of the jobs on the Matty kids and Briana? I was really happy with how they turned out, though I could only include a few of each.

  6. Yes I saw "Light of Youth" at your gallery. I was wanting to buy it but someone got it before I could. It has to be one of my favorites of yours. Sorry I forgot to leave feed back on those, Matty and Briana. I really like all your black and white conversions great points of view as well.
    I always seem to shoot my family ok but when someone asks me to shoot them I tend to "freeze" I cant find the "zone" I guess. I think you can do this rather well.

  7. The zone is a good word to use for a portrait shoots! You take the job and set a time and then go with the knowledge that you MUST get the shots. The client wants and deserves a group of shots to pick from that will please them completely. You know you can go out and get a shot if needed, but when you must perform a series of 30 to 60 poses without error in an hour and a half session; the pressure is amazing with the first few. It gets easier as it goes and you gain confidence that you know you will do it...the Zone.

  8. Hey Paul I really love your photo's you have a wonderful gift at Photography!! My favorite here in this post is the Tree!! Awesome shot!!

  9. Thanks, I sold a print of that photo the first day of my show in New Albany. I have a thing for trees, especially old ones, they seem to have a story to tell.
