Ever been to the falls? Its just a tourist trap now I know, but it really is an awesome display of nature's power. I shot this from the Canadian side this summer. I was happy we had some drama in the sky that day; it added some depth to this ever so often seen view.
After looking at the dirty air and the harsh living conditions in Ghana and Nigeria I have shown, I thought I would show you one reason why these places have a way of endearing themselves to you so easily; and especially why they did me.
Children are children the world wide, but the children of Africa are special; no matter what their lives may be like, those smiles tell you they are still children and can enter your heart in an instant. Long after your trip is over those faces will be seared into your memory and your soul.
Legos may be one of the most polluted and populated cities in the world, but there is something about it; I'll never forget that visit. Don't get me wrong, I would not suggest living there, but the people have a way of getting into your heart. I used a selective tilt shift technique here to give this image that almost toy city look. Like it?