Ever been to the falls? Its just a tourist trap now I know, but it really is an awesome display of nature's power. I shot this from the Canadian side this summer. I was happy we had some drama in the sky that day; it added some depth to this ever so often seen view.
After looking at the dirty air and the harsh living conditions in Ghana and Nigeria I have shown, I thought I would show you one reason why these places have a way of endearing themselves to you so easily; and especially why they did me.
Children are children the world wide, but the children of Africa are special; no matter what their lives may be like, those smiles tell you they are still children and can enter your heart in an instant. Long after your trip is over those faces will be seared into your memory and your soul.
Legos may be one of the most polluted and populated cities in the world, but there is something about it; I'll never forget that visit. Don't get me wrong, I would not suggest living there, but the people have a way of getting into your heart. I used a selective tilt shift technique here to give this image that almost toy city look. Like it?
I was in Ghana, West Africa driving along a road when we turned into a driveway to speak with a man about the use of a truck the next day. We pulled up to the gate and the driver honked the horn prompting the gate to open moments later. After exiting the van I noticed the gate had been opened by a Muslim man working for the home owner. This face made me want to know everything about this man, the weathered skin, the kind eyes with more that a touch of mystery; I just wanted to sit and have him tell me about his life. A few minutes later we were pulling away after setting up the use of the truck for a video shoot the next day, so my fantasy interview was thwarted; but I did get a picture with his permission.
Sometimes a subject just jumps out at you, almost begging to be photographed; other times you must have your minds eye open, ready and willing to see what may normally go unnoticed.
Briana was another one of those pleasurable shoots. You mix together a pretty young lady with a photogenic face, an easygoing personality, throw in the last week of fall's magnificent color and stir it all up and what do you get; a successful part-one to a two-part Senior Photo Session. She wanted a more traditional style shoot with a litle fun thrown in so this was the traditional part. A lot of rules were broken on purpose in composition and direction in many of these shots for effect, and I believe they worked. We are planning a little less nature and a little more retro in the next segment, and I am sure it will be just as productive.
One of the popular products with some of our clients has been the Coffee Table Book from a lifestyle portrait session. These are a few images from over 80 produced for the Matty's book last weekend. It was easy work. what with two beautiful young ladies and their adorable little brother Grant. He was more interested in playing as would be expected, but occasionally he tried to mimic his sisters posing and I got lucky. If all clients were as pleasurable to work with as this family it would not be called work. I may post the entire shoot on my website later next week.